In the acting classes I teach, there are students who do not know each other. However. within an hour, they get closer working together on various interesting exercises and games for developing their attention and concentration. They also participate in practices for imagination, perception and observation, interaction with a partner, etc.
In the current Fundamentals of Acting class, October/November 2024, students of a wide variety of ages are trained. The oldest participant is 65 years old, and the youngest one is 18 years old. At first glance, this seems odd, but in fact it is not. The attendants are united by the interest in acting and acting training.
The exercises and theater games bring the participants together. They not only have a lot of fun, but also learn the basic elements of acting technique.
Two of the participants in this class are actors! Many actors who perform on the professional stage return to acting training classes to refresh their skills. It was the same in the previous class, when I worked with a professional actress as well.
In addition to actors in acting classes, there are also people with different professions united by the desire to learn more about theater and acting skills.
It is a joy and satisfaction for me to teach acting training.
Actor training promotes the development of personal qualities.